Henry Polymer Materials (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Washing water

Dimethyl Formamide in Mold Washing Water (DMF)

DMF washing water is a special product for carbon deposition cleaning of high quality die casting die Carbon deposit on die-casting die surface, residual release agent, oil stain and dirt, aluminum alloy residue can be determined in minutes It is a special kind of mould washing water for steel mould and self-crusting production For the long-term production of mould spraying release agent, the removal effect of carbon deposit and fouling of stubborn residue after high temperature coking adhered to die casting die is remarkable
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Product details

Die wash water DMF

Product introduction

DMF washing water is a special product for carbon deposition cleaning of high quality die casting die. Carbon deposit on die-casting die surface, residual release agent, oil stain and dirt, aluminum alloy residue can be determined in minutes. It is a special kind of mould washing water for steel mould and self-crusting production. For the long-term production of mould spraying release agent, the removal effect of carbon deposit and fouling of stubborn residue after high temperature coking adhered to die casting die is remarkable.

Product specification

DMF Appearance: Colorless transparent or yellowish liquid; Melting point - 61 C; Boiling point 153 C; Viscosity (mPa. s, 25C): 0.802; Refractive index (25C): 1.42817; Conductivity (S/m)


It is packed in clean, dry, sealed and leak-free special plastic barrel or baking varnish iron barrel. The net weight of each barrel is 25kg or 200kg.

storage and transportation

When transporting DMF, it should be strictly protected from rain and contamination, and handled carefully to prevent leakage from collision with hard objects. When storing DMF, it should be stored at room temperature in a ventilated and dry warehouse, avoiding damp environment, and the storage temperature should be kept below 25 C, avoiding sunshine exposure as far as possible, away from water sources and heat sources. Or sealed in containers made of steel, aluminium, polyethylene or polypropylene. In order to prevent moisture absorption and oxidation, nitrogen is recommended to fill the containers.

Quality guarantee period

Under the correct storage conditions, the shelf life is 6 months from the date of production, and it can still be used after the expiration of the shelf life.

security information

DMF is a highly corrosive solvent, please wear rubber gloves when working; if hands or skin are contaminated with solution, please rinse it with a large amount of flowing water immediately; steel mould is special, aluminum mould can not be used. Workers should wear eye shields or safety glasses to protect their eyes. Eye washing and washing equipment should be provided near the workplace. Personal hygiene should be paid attention to when working in places where products may be contacted. Washing products should be used to clean the skin contacted with products before diet, smoking and leaving work.

Leakage treatment

Prevent leakage as much as possible while ensuring safety. If minor leaks are found, they can be treated with sand or other absorbent materials and then placed in clean, dry containers for subsequent treatment. If a large number of leaks occur, the leaked materials should be collected for subsequent treatment. Material should be avoided from entering groundwater or surface water because it is not easily biodegradable. All leaked materials collected should be treated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the local environmental protection department.


The above information and technical advice are obtained from reliable sources, but we have no explicit and implicit assurance about the data provided, and we do not make any commitments here. If we need to use our products, we recommend a series of tests. The products used, used, processed or manufactured according to the technical information we provide are not within our control, so these responsibilities are borne by the users. The handling, storage, use or abandonment of this product is beyond our control and may exceed our knowledge. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss, damage or related expenses caused by improper handling, storage, use or abandonment of this chemical. For more information, please check the technical safety instructions of our products or contact our market service department.


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